Saturday, December 1, 2012

I wasnt going to write about this, but now that everything seems to be in the clear I feel like saying it. I was in a car accident a few weeks hand got pretty messed up and I got hit in the nose with the airbags. My hand still hurts, but I think it will be better soon. I ended up getting a pain and suffering settlement from the insurance company, as well as a settlement for my car which was totaled. I still havent figured out what kind of car to get to replace my paid for 2003 honda civic, but im tending towards another 2012 civic right now. I can pretty much pay for it with cash, but my friend says I should get a slightly used one and put some money in the bank. Not quite sure I want to think about all this with Christmas coming up, but I did get all my shopping done!


  1. Hopefully the hand will be all better soon. You deserved the pain and suffering compensation for sure. Just stay well and enjoy the Christmas season.

  2. Hope you have a full recovery and can enjoy the Holiday Season pain-free!

  3. Happy Holidays Whimsicle! Hope you're feeling better...

  4. You are the one that INSPIRES my lady.
