Friday, June 13, 2014

Im loving the east coast right now! Last week I was in DC and saw Pharaoh Sanders at Blues Alley. Omg! I almost got thrown out for getting too loud, because he played the John Coltrane song I used to always play on the juke box at the pool hall in Seattle several years ago. I went totally crazy! I think there must be some chemical in our brains that is released when were reintroduced to something we haven't seen or heard in a while. This also happened here in New York when I saw Bullets Over Broadway. They reintroduced songs from the 30's like Yes, we have no Bananas. Of course I went wild for this show too, especially because I was in the second row and could see all the actors expressions so well!


  1. Oh my dear, you are living a charmed life..........enjoy the journey even if you don't always understand it.

  2. Life is an out of control journey that only feels right when we relinquish that control, hang on, close your eyes, and feel the wind in your hair.,,, and enjoy.
