Sunday, May 17, 2015

As I travel through my journey of spiritual learning how being with both my mother and my father makes me feel and how different that is with each of them. Of course I draw great personal power from both of them, but I also have to be aware of the negative ways they affect me as well. I can catch the drift by talking to my Dad on the phone and texting my Mom, but actually going to visit them really intensifies things for me and helps me to learn who I am a little better. I really feel for people who have lost their when I do find someone without I want to give them extra compassion and understanding if I can. Even people who struggle with their relationships with their parents makes my heart go out to them, as I have a tumultuous time with my Mother often enough that when Im able to talk about it with a friend it makes me hugely grateful that someone will listen.

The path Ive taken is a journey towards healing, which includes removing as much stress and pressure in my life that I can. It has been a bit of a struggle, as I am feeling old urges to make more money and take risks. I think these urges come from a desire to be mentally challenged, but sometimes I don't know if Im doing it for myself or to be more excepted by my parents. It also comes from wanting to hold on to my independence, but do I really need that or is it something I should leave behind? Feel free to chime in for those of you that low me...