Wednesday, April 29, 2015

New pea and bean shoots making an appearance today have me very excited,  but Ive also noticed some unfortunate individual has been munching on the carrot and parsnip seedlings. Time to pull out a can of whoop @$$...I mean...make a pesticide tea(yes, it really is called a tea). Organic pesticides are made from nettles and horsetails found around the woods here. They're percolated in buckets with some other ingredients Im sure Ill figure out in due time. I also just ate a new asparagus sprout that seemed to shoot out of the ground overnight...incredibly sweet and succulent! Have a look on my twitter account for more enchanted garden photos...

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Good Morning Vashon! Im up early today which means Ill most likely need a nap favorite. It looks a little cloudy and rainy today but the plants need it and the weather can change course rather quickly here. It might have something to do with the higher elevation or something but things definitely grow well here. Did I mention I went pescaterian? Ok...its like a vegetarian but only I eat fish and dairy. I feel way better and several well respected friends of mine recommended it so here I am:-) Im hoping to get some chickens in the yard soon but that may take some more time. For now Im still unpacking and trying to get most of my stuff moved over here but thats a real task since Ive accumulated a lot  over the years. Another spiritual path Ive taken is to not be so materialistic but it doesn't mean I can be stupid ad just leave everything behind....
Its been forever and a day since I wrote you all, so I just wanted to check in and say Im doing better than ever now since moving to Vashon. Its taken only a few month and I feel completely destressed and out of the all encompassing rat race of seattle. I truly live in paradise now! Ive posted some photos on my twitter account for anyone thats inclined to look...and will post more if I get good responses on these. I no longer live and die by a I do whatever happens to inspire me that day. One of my favorite things here is keeping up the garden, as Ive not had such a rare opportunity in my life since childhood. Getting back to nature has improved my spiritual being tremendously, and brought back the wisdom I feel we were all born with but loose it to a certain extent in the process of living our day to day lives. Not taking the time to focus on the important things in life was a big issue of mine i didn't even realize I had until I took a step back from things and gather a new perspective from the resources that were with me all along but perhaps too much overlooked. I hope through writing about my own personal conquests I can help shine some light for others like myself that get distracted easily...