Friday, July 20, 2012

Seems like everyone I know is either running a marathon or doing a triathalon right now, so I decided to give myself a little fitness test and see how far I can run. I made it to three miles then started cramping...maybe Ill try again tomorrow if Im not too sore. Isnt it funny the way things like that are epidemic? Surrounding yourself with successful people can always be a good thing I guess, but its the modest ones that are hard to crack. Usually the people that dont brag or talk about themselves are the most successful, as they have no reason to compensate for their lack. As much as id like to be a person like that, I have to lift myself up every once in a while. In my mind Im very happy with myself though...sometimes its the little things I draw on the most! A favorite song, a smile from a stranger, even a short text from a good friend. With this in mind, I do my best to give others these small pleasures that really mean a lot sometimes!

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