Sunday, September 23, 2012

Moonlight Festival

Last night I went to the Moonlight Festival in Seattle, which I guess is a Chinese celebration for kids where they eat moon pies. Unfortunately, I wasnt able to find any moon pies, but it was really a blast! I guess the first presentation was a dragon dance (which I missed). I arrived just as the keiko drummers were playing. What an exciting team! After that the Massive Monkees break dance crew took the stage...those guys (and one girl) are amazing! I guess the recently won the world championships recently, which was quite evident to see. The part that really stole the show was when they brought kids out from the audience to learn some  moves. It was a total kick in the pants when they had a "battle"...all the kids and audience volunteers showing their stuff one at a time to see whos the best! I think some of the older kids must have been doing it for a while, because they were doing some very acrobatic still that must have taken years of training. I think Ive found a new form of dance that Im a fan of now!

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