Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Im back from Chicago, and there was just so much going on there that I had to write about it in order to keep track of everything for next year! First of all, we were in the midst of Oktoberfest so one could hear German polka bands playing in random bars and restaurants along the streets. Im normally not a beer drinker, but all the festivities were enough to convert me. The second thing causing a stir along the streets was the Ryder cup people dressed in American flags and painted faces. Its enough to think the world has gone mad! Personally, I think its the influence of the harvest moon, which can also be deducted that since the Chicago winters are so oppressive everyone tries to get out and do as much as they can before the weather starts to freeze. Me, Ill be avoiding it entirely...aside from the fact that I have to go back for the holidays!

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