Sunday, October 28, 2012

New York and I had a love affair with Irene last year:

The media really blew her up! The night before(when these photos were taken), the national guard had closed off the streets and had troops posted everywhere. I was afraid to go to sleep that night...just thinking everything would be demolished when I woke up! Not the case at all. She was surprisingly gentle...I even went out walking around the next morning and felt safe outside.

This year its Sandy. She seems much bigger than Irene was, and is said to cause huge damage and bring in some snow and really cold weather afterwards. We have to remember that its the job of the media to get everyone alert, so we will see what Sandy is really like!


  1. Sandy has already messed up soem very important plans. I'm thinking I don't like Sandy at all.

  2. You do realize that NYC has had a deep and long love affair with you as well.
