Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Happy New Year!

The holidays are over, and now 'tis the season to get fit, slim, and healthy! One of my coolest Christmas presants was the jawbone up...a device that not only measures your steps and calories, but your sleep patterns as well! Now its not the only high tech excersize accesory out there...heres an artical that compares it to another device. If theres one thing Ive aquired over the years its self motivation. If youre like me youll love the jawbone up.  The new year is also a time for getting back to normal patterns again. I am so ready! Hanging out with the fam was great but after a week I think I had enough. Whos with me on this? Lets get motivated together to create healthy patterns to last a lifetime:-)

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am with you for sure and sooooo ready to get back to "normal" patterns. Need to see how the Jawbone Up works.
