Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Meat you at 8...

My girlfriend never made it, but I finally went to Gibsons! The food was awesome, but from what I hear from the locals its not the best steak house in Chicago. I guess Ill just have to try all of them:-) I also found out why they call it the Viagra triangle...lots of older distinguished gentlemen! I slipped out of there and found lots of great clothing stores I didnt know were in the area: Scoop NYC, Intermix, Agent Provocateur! I hope I have time to do some shopping while Im here.  Normally I plan my stays long enough to do everything, but it doesnt look like it this time. Once I got home, my friend said her agent got her a club appearance last night and wanted me to join her, but I had special things going on this morning and needed my beauty rest. More on that to come!

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