Monday, May 21, 2012

I think we've all experience personal prejudices, and its not always for race or religion. Sometimes we deal with it without ever realizing it...we start to expect to be treated differently by the way we look, dress, or even the way we do things. Here's the positive point I was getting at: I feel a sense of personal power by giving people what they dont expect! When I have a normal conversation with a grimy bum on the street, or not even flinching at the most obvious person in the room! One of the hardest things for me to do is treat a famous person normally. I really have to work at not "fanning out" and regarding their personal space. Keeping a nonjudgmental attitude is starting to become my autopilot, but its a delicate balance we have to make as our judgement is one of our best defense mechanisms. Because of my own unpleasant experiences, Im careful not to ask too many personal questions with people Im just meeting and let them offer me things they want me to know. This is a little gift and I try to treat it as such by not passing judgement or having a negative attitude towards them. Im not perfect, but every time someone trusts in me I feel like the world is right despite a sea of wrongs...

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