Thursday, May 3, 2012

New York is the perfect place to practice a zen doing things efficiently and peacefully. In the midst of all the chaos, its easier to find the tranquility of things. Like feeling the eye of the hurricane...while everything around you is spiraling out of control its a bigger contrast to your own serenity and mindfulness. In order to stay focused you must find your own zone and be acutely aware of it at all times...your own life's rhythm! Pounce when the universe allows you an opening, and rest when the universe provides, you trust and respect each other in a harmony that is only yours...


  1. You always seem to me to be able to put yourself in a zone where you share happiness and joy.

  2. How cat-like to see and seize tranquility and opportunity in a crowded, confusing landscape!

    From one who fled that conflicted life, dog-like, I applaud your feline & feminine spirit.
