Monday, May 7, 2012

We are all super heros!

I went to see The Avengers last night, and now Im all inspired to help others find their super powers and get everyone together to do something great and make the world a better place! Some people are literally doing this: Real Life Superheroes in the news - YouTube Its tempting to create my own masked avenger costume and join them, but I think my persona would be a little too complicated with wings and mind reading abilities and things like that Im still working on. What would your super hero be like? Other people work for companies where helping the world be a better place is just as important as profits and margin...invisible super heroes working behind the scenes without fancy costumes and the like. As for me, fighting my own demons sometimes seems hard enough...blasting the proverbial bad guys that always seem to put a wedge in things. Its sometimes hard to remember that there are others out there who need a little more help, and make me think that keeping myself strong and powerful enough to reach out and help them if I can is the important thing...

1 comment:

  1. With a tint of red added to your hair you would make an amazing Natasha Romanova/Black Widow and you would look so sleek and sexy in a black cat suit. She is from Russia, so that would be a pretty good fit. However, to me you would also make an awesome Wonder Woman!
