Friday, June 22, 2012

Im in DC and its hotter than a tailspin tornado out here! Im fixin' to go fry me up an egg on the sidewalk;-) Actually its kind of nice, and reminds me of my time living in Tampa Florida durning the summers. Im going crazy with all the ballet schools closed, so Im going to try a pilates studio I found on yelp (love writing reviews on that site)! With all the politics normally going on around here, I really havent heard much. Must be the summer slowdown...and I dont beleive bank of america is going under. With the recent Moodys rating drop for the major banks, I think it would not be in the best interest for powerful people and busineses. Goldman Sacs was one thing, but that took us all by suprise.  As for Greece...I dont think I would go there until everything has cleared up. Its just as beautiful in my imagination! Bring me to South Beach and Ill be just as happy sitting at the pool at the Delano. Sounds great for a fall getaway, doesnt it?

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