Monday, June 11, 2012

So I ended up with two tickets yesterday to go see the new york city ballet do a midsummer night's dream. I can stop cheering now;-) Anyways...I invited three different people to go with me and nobody could actually make it so I decided to go by myself. Now I dont know if Im just an arts nerd or what, but I really enjoyed it! Ended up giving an usher the extra ticket to give to somebody else that wanted to go, and it turned out to be a lovely young lady. Although I didnt have the nerve to make myself known to her, I did end up meeting a tall dark and handsome ballet enthusiast that invited me to the lecture before the show, and we gushed over all the stars cast in the show. It was so wonderful to have someone interested in my ballet background thats actually quite familiar with the scene! After the show it was quite hard finding a cab, so I agreed to share one with an elderly gentleman and another beautiful young lady that seemed very sweet and friendly. We all held hands as he told us how he was a Jewish Holocaust survivor from Berlin. When she got out of the cab she told him to be good, but fear was the last thing on my mind as this guy was just so charming and open! For the rest of the ride he explained how he belongs to an organization that sends people to keep older Jewish folks company, and how he tells them to just send over the beautiful young ladies...a man of my own heart! So they go to the ballet together and I steal him away from her for a moment, and as I was leaving he asked me for a kiss and I gave him one. This man had truly won me over in such a short time as being a beautiful human being that doesnt let his age stand in the way of having a good time! After freshening up I went to Mesa grill with a girlfriend from out of town and we talked for hours about girl stuff. What a wonderful day! Were doing it again tonight with another girlfriend as well...lord help any flys on the wall!

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